No. The move to IPv6 won’t affect how you access IPv4 content. Websites will look the same, and AT&T will still support your IPv4 devices and networks. But with IPv6, you can connect with more content, more devices, and more people than ever.

No IPv6 DNS (Stateless-DHCP) since Windows 10 Anniversary Dec 14, 2019 Test your IPv6. You appear to have no IPv6 address. It looks like you have only IPv4 Internet service at this time. Don't feel bad - most people are in this position right now. Most Internet service providers are not quite yet ready to provide IPv6 Internet to residential customers. Solved: no ipv6 multicast - Cisco Community

Guidance for configuring IPv6 in Windows for advanced users

RFC 8200 IPv6 Specification July 2017 1.Introduction IP version 6 (IPv6) is a new version of the Internet Protocol (IP), designed as the successor to IP version 4 (IPv4) [].The changes from IPv4 to IPv6 fall primarily into the following categories: o Expanded Addressing Capabilities IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits, to support more levels of addressing hierarchy, a Solved: Cisco IPSec VPN Client IPv6 support - Cisco Community The Anyconnect VPN client will not specifically tunnel IPv4 inside IPv6, the client is dual-stack by design. However, if you have add on software that tunnels the IPv4 inside IPv6, the IPv6 traffic should just be treated as any other IPv6 traffic. As far as I can tell, the Anyconnect client only tunnels IPv6 …

Nov 15, 2009

No IPv6 only IPv4 I own an Arris SB8200 Modem have a 1000 mbps internet plan and I am only recieving an IPv4 IP address. I have called comcast technical support twice and they both advised my modem is provisioned correctly and show that I should have an IPv6 address; however when I test it online it clearly shows no IPv6 address. No IPV6 - Microsoft Community Aug 01, 2016